function get_style15013 () { return “none”; } function end15013_ () { document.getElementById(‘gov1315013’).style.display = get_style15013(); } Editor’s Note: Lewis Denbaum is launching a free to listen Telesummit bringing together a wide array of experts on multiple topics impacting men’s lives. Men like tools. And there are some experts on this telesummit with some great tools. The Summit features a number of ManKind Project men including Bill Kauth, David Kaar, Michael Taylor, and Denbaum himself.
Here is what Lewis has to offer about the Men’s Telesummit 2013 – and the world.
What has inspired you to put together the Men’s Telesummit 2013 ( ?
The Men’s Telesummit is a symposium of leading experts in a variety of fields addressing issues specific to men in three categories: spirituality, work and relationships. I was inspired to start putting this all together–about a year ago–when I realized that men’s problems and more enlightened perspectives on them were seriously underrepresented. This is the Age of the Woman and there seems to be a flood of resources available for their empowerment at this time. While I am joyful that many of the old systems are breaking down and allowing for more equality and reciprocity; there is also a cultural displacement occurring as a result of the decline of male social dominance — bringing with it dark and dangerous undertides. There is that magical point of unity when many can become one however — when a large number of peaceful warriors come together and fight as a unit. That’s what this Telesummit really represents — we have raised a mighty army but we have to show up if we want to win. So I’m telling people to show up because it is going to be an amazing group of speakers and the potential for really transformative information is available here.
What the ManKind Project‘s Men’s Work means to me.
The 24-hour news cycles have been awash with tragedy after tragedy–from the “Batman Shooter” to the Newtown tragedy, and now most recently the bombing in Boston–all of these horrific events perpetrated against the innocent by young men. The media mouths can pontificate; the politicians can legislate but I believe the cause and the solution to this type of violence lies deep in the heart of each and every man. I also believe that the most important tool to ensure the security of society is that its men are trained as new warriors– warriors trained to protect, comfort, and heal the people they are accountable. That is why I have been devoting so much of my time recently to staffing The Mankind Project: New Warrior Training Adventurs–4 in the last 7 months. I want to try to reach as many men as I can with this message of hope–you are not alone; other men are here to help. This training has real power to change men’s lives for the better; it helps them uncover and return to their manhood.
Here’s part of my vision for the future of our culture.
I see us moving forward into a better heart space and achieving a state of equilibrium within. Right now, there is an imbalance causing these disturbances in “force” that are hard to ignore but I see that correcting itself before long as men seek healing and integration. The possibilities for service are endless in the world and my vision is that every day, in every way, men will come forward and serve one another more fervently. Compassion and nurturing should not belong solely to women nor courage and strength to men: these are universal qualities which must be applied universally if we hope to make our way out of the tunnel. I see men learning to accept and cultivate the “feminine” qualities of caring and connectedness that have been neglected in our culture especially since women have started tapping into the “masculine” for their own socio-economic advancement. The future is now and I see a revolution in the making as all people connect with the missing parts of their hearts and face the problems of today in completeness.
from the Editor … There’s no doubt – men’s work is going mainstream. There are powerful currents moving in the culture to help ALL of us, men and women alike to evolve the solutions we need to thrive. The – is a deeply personal issue that everyone decides for himself. Sometimes the price is high, sometimes low. But this is not very important for life. Life is an interesting thing. And the price on Viagra – too.