The Elder Training Series has been developing over the past decade to address the need for Elders to have a dynamic foundational skills set on which to base their Elder expansion and growth. The intention is to offer MKP Elder related practices that can evolve and contribute to the greater awareness of Elder potential and possibilities. The Elder Training Series is built with the expectation of future modifications and adaptations reflecting regional and cultural practices which fall within the MKP guidelines.
Elder Training 1, 2, 3 are intended to create a foundation for Elders speaking to levels of possible participation.
ET-1 creates an opportunity for Elders to discover and discuss what it is to be an Elder. This is followed by an ‘Elder Declaration Ceremony’ where people are ready to claim their presence and accept the support available in the Elder community. ET-1 welcomes all people in all their complexity and diversity to the Community of Elders.
ET-2 is for Declared Elders wishing to discuss, practice and expand awareness of their Elder potential individually and in community. Topics will include, “Being an Elder on an NWTA”, being an Elder in Community and an introduction to the Ritual Elder path and purpose.
ET-3 is for Ritual Elders and those interested in the Ritual Elder Path. The areas to be discussed, demonstrated and role played include “Being a Ritual Elder on an NWTA”, the Ritual Elder Certification process, Mentoring awareness and practices for Ritual Elders and Elders, Shadow-Watching, the Ritual Elder Related Hot Seat process and Ritual Elders and Elders in Community.
This current offering reflects the work and input of a team of Elder men from across North America. This team is discussing ways to present the Series which best serve the communities. We are discussing creation of an online video presentation, developing a cadre of facilitators and creation of documents for the series.
Frank Rodriguez is the MKP USA Ritual Elder Coordinator.